Interview Start

Interview start...

>> mp&hr officer <<

Hr : what is your name?

Mike : mp sir

Hr : in full please...

Mike : michael phang

Hr : your father's name?

Mike : mp sir

Hr : what does that mean?

Mike : melvin phang

Hr : your native place?

Mike : mp sir

Hr : what's that?

Mike : malacca province

Hr : what is your qualification?

Mike : mp

Hr : (angry) what is thaat?!!!

Mike : mathematics professor

Hr : so why do you need a job?

Mike : it is because of mp sir

Hr : meaning?

Mike : money problems

Hr : would you explain yourself and stop wasting my time?
What's your personality like?

Mike : mp sir..

Hr : and what is that??

Mike : marvelous personality

Hr : i see... i will get back to you..

Mike : sir, how was my mp sir?

Hr : and what's that again?

Mike : my performance..

Hr : i think u hv an mp..

Mike : meaning??

Hr : mental problem!!!
NAUGHTY JOKES AND CHUTKULE - Interview Start Interview start... >> mp&hr officer << ........................................ hr : what is your name? mike :

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